Video games created at events
- Big World (Artgame Weekend)
My first game jam, in 2013 - The Baby Will Kill You (Global Game Jam 2013 @Antwerp. Theme: Hearthbeat)
A 2-players arcade game made using Unity and C#. Originally optimized for Winnitron, the open source arcade machine (
Realized altogether with Ken De Pooter, Thomas Deville, Matthias Van Lierde, Christian Vuye and Boris Warembourg - The Salmon Factory (Hits Playtime 3 by Le Monde)
A 2-players cooperative game for Android tablets
Realized altogether with Raymond Borenstein, Glen De Causemaecker ( and Boris Warembourg ; also known as the Salmons && Robots team
On this blog: - GBGarden (Game Boy Jam 1
A relaxing gardening game made in JavaScript
WIP thread: - HyperSpace Girl (Game Shaker 8)
Realized altogether with Nikita Golovin, Mélissa Marchand and César Obrecht

Works of fiction in progress
- Hubert Flotaillon (in French)
A humoristic web serie
First episode on this blog: - Aymie et l'Ogre (in French)
Prequels to Mangeurs d'Ames by Pauline Serizel
Co-writing with Pauline Serizel (
First part on this blog: - Yet No Title (WIP: 200 pages already written in French)
A book of science-fiction
Other fictions inspired by video games
- Nu-Lu Daily (in English)
Serie of articles about a neighborhood generated with the Sims3 life simulator - Eve Online story (in French)First episode on this blog: