Sunday, 3 November 2013

Co-écriture : "Aymie et l'Ogre" - Le début de la suite




- Partie ii -

Le garçon se pétrifia, puis leva lentement les yeux, la bouche grande ouverte.
« Euuuh… bégaya-t-il. V… vous êtes le… propriétaire du véhicule ? »

« Et pis ? »
    Il y avait quelque chose de terriblement menaçant dans ces deux mots, prononcés sur un ton caverneux.
    Aymie était pétrifié. L'individu le toisait de toute sa hauteur (au mois deux fois sa taille).
« T'as un problème, minus ? »
    Le garçon détacha son regard d'une boucle de ceinture prête à craquer sous le poids de son ventre proéminent pour lever les yeux vers le visage de l'individu.
    Sur celui-ci s'étalait une large bouche féroce, dont le rictus dévoilait deux rangées de dents acérées autant que jaunies. Deux points noirs d'encre le dévisageaient alors qu'un souffle puissant sortait de son nez porcin. L'ogre (car c’en était visiblement un) dégageait une odeur nauséabonde, à moins qu'il ne s'agisse simplement de l'odeur habituelle des bas-fonds de Kartacsie. Il tenait dans une immense main droite une chope de bière qu'il vida d'une gorgée avant de toiser à nouveau Aymie.
« Euh... votre carriole est en infraction... Votre procès verbal s'élève à un million de piensetans et euh...  Aymie fit mine de vérifier ce qu'il avait inscrit sur son carnet — emprisonnement à perpétuité. Vous souhaitez régler en espèces ou en quatre fois avec 15% de frais ? » ajouta-t-il d'une petite voix étranglée.
    L'ogre jeta sa choppe par dessus son épaule et abattit sa main sur l'épaule du garçon. On entendit un bruit de verre brisé lorsque la chope alla s'encastrer dans l'unique fenêtre de la taverne dont il venait de sortir et d'où s'éleva une flopée de jurons et de « Ouah l'autre !* » outrésAymie se raidit et ferma les yeux, persuadé que sa dernière heure était venue.
    Quelques secondes passèrent.
    Trouvant la fin longue à arriver, Aymie se risqua à entrouvrir prudemment les paupières, pour découvrir de grosses larmes rouler sur les joues verdâtres de l'ogre. Bientôt, il éclata carrément en sanglots, sous les yeux éberlués du garçon.
    L'ogre paraissait soudain inconsolable, si bien qu'il sembla de mise de lui demander ce qui l'accablait tant.
« Ah mon p'tit gars, les temps sont rudes ! Ah, ça oui ils sont rudes... Son propos se perdit en un grommellement indistinct.
 Je dois prendre ça pour un règlement en quatre fois ? Tenta Aymie.
 T'as pas bien compris, mon p'tit gars. Enfin, t'as l'air d'un type bien, toi ! Viens là, je vais te raconter mon histoire... »
    Et sans attendre de réponse, il souleva Aymie de terre et l'embarqua à l'avant de sa carriole qu'il remit en route d'un grand coup de rênes. Aymie voulu protester d'un « Ouah l'autre ! », mais le bringuebalement de la carriole lui souleva le cœur.
« Ecoute, j'vais pas pouvoir payer. Y fut un temps, p't'êt', mais on m'a escroqué ! Maint'nant c'est la ruine...  Soupir  Tu t'rends compte ? S'exclama-t-il en donnant un grand coup de rêne, provoquant une secousse encore plus brusque que les autres, risquant de faire valser Aymie par dessus bord et d'embarquer un réverbère au passage.
« J'voulais me ranger. Pis y'a ce type qu'a proposé un business de cactus... Rigole pas, vu comme on se les arrachait à prix d'or la saison dernière quand c'était particulièrement à la mode, ça semblait un bon plan. Une affaire qui marche, et tranquille qu'y disait ! Tu parles ! Ca pousse pas ces cochonneries ! Ma femme m'avait bien dit que le sable d'ici, c'était pas Desertika... Avant, ma femme, elle tenait un bordel. C'tait une femme d'affaire respectable, tu vois ! »
    L'ogre étouffa un sanglot.
« C'est fini les p'tites tenues ! Y m'reste plus qu'ces maudits cactus qui poussent pas... Moi j'te l'dis, du temps du Chevalier de l'Apocalypse, ça s'rait jamais arrivé... Jamais ! »
    Aymie sursauta en entendant prononcer son ancien patronyme de chef de gang. Il regarda l'ogre plus attentivement et, malgré sa barbe crasseuse, reconnu un de ses anciens associés
« Morpeug ? »
    L'ogre arrêta violemment la carriole, emportant cette fois pour de bon un réverbère dans la manœuvre  Il regarda son passager comme s'il le voyait pour la première fois.
« C'est moi... Le Chevalier de l'Apocalypse... Repris Aymie pour combler le silence qui s'ensuivit.– La vache ! s'écria l'ogre, sous le choc. Je t'avais pas reconnu sans le manteau clouté ! Pis c'est quoi cette tignasse ridicule ? »

(à suivre)

[NdT : « Ouah l'autre », expression favorite des ivrognes et des mendiants de Kartacsie, le plus souvent utilisée pour exprimer son mécontentement]

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Hits PlayJam 3 - Game Jam by Le Monde


As mentioned before, this weekend was taking place the Hits PlayJam 2013, third edition, organised by the french newspaper Le Monde!
(presentation of the event: (french))
This event is actually part of a bigger one, the Hit Playtime, that lasts for a month if I am not mistaking, and in which I wasn't part (but very interesting games were produced that you should check out!)

I was participating in this event together with a wonderful dreamteam: my friends Bobo (@Bobo_oh) and Mouf (@SuperMouf) and my love Glennie (@ORPH4NUS).

Great event, great people... great everything

It was overall hilarious and went extremely well. But let me tell that story from the beginning... *grin*
I don't have many pictures yet, and I hope I will have some more in the coming days to fill this article with the same joy that we had at the actual event!

The event was dematerialized, which means we could work on it anywhere we wanted (and also that it was completely free). We chose to set up our base camp at the NEF, a paper RPG event that was taking place at the same time in my school ( (french))
As you can guess, the atmosphere was very festive, and the place full of more or less weird people, all of them being absolutely nice. 
There was also a video game room, and somebody even surprised me with the Starcraft 2 board game -that looks absolutely terrific but sadly I had no time for it...

Each team needed to produce content to feed the WIP page on Le Monde's website and their tweet feed where we could discuss quite easily with other jammers. Each team also needed a logo: our team, the great Salmons&&Robots had a pixellated mechanical salmon I drew, but this is an other story (which is told here)

That one, remember?

Then we got the theme. It is this video, that I encourage you to watch:
We personally all felt dizzy after looking at just a few minutes... No need to tell you how hard it felt in the beginning to get started... But at least it wasn't like in these game jams where the theme is so open that you have too many ideas you can't choose between. Afterwards, I'd definitely say that this has been very interesting and reflective.
Furthermore this video turns out to be a major brick in the progress of special effects, as well as inspiring a lot of people. The director, Zbigniew Rybczyński eventually won an Oscar for it.

Guys, I think I grasp something here!

The rest is just regular jamming... Throwing in every direction random ideas... Discussing the darkest game mechanics... Hot drinks! Having all king of annoying technical issues... Rethinking the game entirely... and more hot drinks. In one word, it was as fabulous as a good game jam spent with friends in an awesome event.

"We're beta-testin' yo!" -with an anonymous tester

My favorite things
  • The theme was terribly harsh, but the game concepts that we took out of it are really interesting and original. It was also awesome to be able to put salmons and robots in there x)
  • Saturday night went we were already kinda tired and Boris started to play electronic accordion on his sythe and we couldn't stop laughing. He was so close from being a travelling entertainer...
  • Totally not related, but that dragon plush that the people from the bar were carrying around on their shoulder was so cool!
  • Although it would maybe be even nicer with an additional IRC chat in this situation, the well organized twitter feed that allowed us to stay tuned with what the others were producing was very neat. We never felt like we were on our own, it's like the whole community was bragging in our browser all along :P 


For more information about The Salmon Factory, the 2-players tablet game that we are currently finishing up, please stay tuned with twitter, or our Pinterest board that you can find here:
We are going for a polished product that we will release on the Play Store... eventually soon ;)
I will also be publishing a separate article about that game, our game design process, and my first experience as an artist!

LaTeX ** ERROR ** Log file not found! on Texmaker

You may have crossed this error message when trying to compile and preview a new document for the first time. Don't panic! It's simple.

The log file is a file that goes along every LaTeX file. It is automatically generated and specific to a file.
It gives information about what the document is and how to process it, like for example the name and version number of the compiler to use.

What's most likely happening here is that there is a problem while trying to compile because without an indication from a specific log file, neither your system nor Texmaker know what to do with the file or where the compiler is...

-> Either because you just don't have a LaTeX compiler installed
Texmaker is just a (very good) LaTeX editor, it does not come with an engine to create actual pdf... If you didn't install anything else than Texmaker, you are therefore missing a LaTeX distribution.
In that case I recommend MikTeX if you are running Windows (, or Live TeX if you run an UNIX system (

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This you should do in either case. Just add this path to your environment variables:
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This step is required to use the builtin functionality of your LaTeX editor to create a new file from an other existing LaTeX file, or to create a new file by copying an other manually. Just because the log file is intimately specific to its LaTeX file ;)

Hope that helps ;)


What is Texmaker?
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Where to get help? is THE place.

More information
on the topic:
on the log file:

Saturday, 8 June 2013

A mechanical salmon as a symbol

Hello world!

It's been a while since the last time I did some pixel art... In the meanwhile I was concentrating on learning to use Unity and keep up with my schoolwork. However now ART is BACK (!) with the upcoming game jam organized by Le Monde (see
     I will be participating to this event together with my friends Boris (@Bobo_oh), Raymond (@SuperMouf), and my love, Glennie (@ORPH4NUS).

The story of the team and how we came up with its marvellous name is quite interesting... Raymond was the first to know about the event and immediately told Boris. They decided right away to make something for android, as we are all google fans around here.
     Then they eventually had an argument because Ray wanted to do something in 3D but Boris wanted to do something more oldschool, like, say, hardcoded in java and visually pixelated. They finally came up with the agreement that the game will be in pixelated 2D, at the price that there must be (a) salmon(s) in it. A pretty good deal if you ask me.
     Boris told me about the event and the salmon(s) during the next lesson. I was immediately integrating the team, as a coder and a pixel artist. Therefore I declared that if Raymond could have salmon(s) in the game project, well I wanted (a) robot(s)! If that's so, Boris also added a constraint: the game must end up fun but philosophical...
     A little while later, I told Glen about the game jam, and he decided to join the team as well. If he has to give any, he announced that his condition is "time"...

Why so many constraints before we even know the theme?

I actually don't think this kind of conditions are a restriction to imagination. I have two reasons:

  •  First, they are not too precise. For example with the salmon thing, we can have just one salmon or a thousand, a salmon hero or just some random fish NPC in the background... In that case this is more of a suggestion that simulates imagination. It presents itself as a challenge: Can you integrate something that silly in your design and still make an awesome game out of it? Hell, yeah, I bet we can! Be prepared for something you never saw before ;p

  •  Second, it gives everybody in the team a good hand on the end product. Maybe some of us are more imaginative than others, or some are better designers, or speak better... These little constraints give everybody the same great power to tell what is going to be in the game. Hence even if you didn't have that much inspiration on the moment or the other team members didn't adhere to your ideas, you can still be proud that the finished product integrates something you suggested!

After all these adventures, we eventually decided to marvellously name our team:
     The double '&' is there to reinforce the nerdiness of the entire team <3

Enough suspence, here are various stuff I created for our file:

Personalized avatars
Our team's avatar

Color study

Friday, 1 February 2013

Global Game Jam 2013 in Antwerp (Feedback)

Oookay! Before I forget everything about it, let's talk about this great experience i lived this weekend: the Global Game Jam 2013! (#GGJ2013)
The GGJ is happening all around the world at the same time, and I was myself in Antwerp, Belgium, to rock with my soulmate :D
Our game jam was organised by the game-making company GriN, who did an awesome job o/ We were around 70 and that's the coolest game jam I've participated in!

1/ Cool people!

Find Boris
"This year was the biggest game jam we've made" say Wim Wouters, the CEO of GriN. It's not only about the number of people that were actually there, but also about the average skill and motivation of everybody.
There were a lot of pro, and I could even meet a teacher from DAE school, the famous Gamedev school in Belgium!
Anyway, I met a lot of cool people, and learned a lot. There was also people I begin to know well, like Boris Warembourg or Hannes Delbeke :-)

2/ Cool games!
You can check out the awesome games everybody made here!

Kingerdarten Killer Klub
Special mention for a few games that i like:
- The Living Game, a game that is evolving depending on how you like the auto-generated levels. I find the idea very cool, and also the old school 3/4 view sprites are awesome <3
- Ultimate Care Bear Love Rampage, which is just... wtf and epileptic-agressive. Another arcade game!
- Kindergarten Killer Klub, which team was full pro. A very well polished game with a fun concept and gameplay. The kind of game you would love to play online with your friends :)
- Flicker, an interesting game which plays with lights, made by these cool guys o/
- You Have One Minute To Save The World, as said, you have one minute to find and destroy the alien missile that will be launch in 1 minute to destroy the Earth... Intuitive gameplay!

3/ Cool tech!
During all weekend, there was cutting-edge devices in demonstration, like the IIID face scanner which makes a 3D model of your head when you stand inside for a few seconds. 

You can make crazy faces, print it with a 3D printer, and be proud of yourself

There was also homemade classy devices, like the 4-players coffee table (loved the design of the table (an old fashioned wooden table)) (video here), ooor the Winnitron!

THE Winnitron
It's a free Arcade that you can build yourself out of a computer and play cool games with! At least three of the game developed this weekend were playable on the Winnitron, including mine :D And it looks so good in its wooden cabin... Thanks Thomas and Hannes Deville for showing up this cool device!!!
Video made during the game jam:

4/ Cheerleaders!

Oh did I mention? There were indeed cheerleaders giving a show in the middle of the game jam! And then they brought delicious muffins! It was really awesome and refreshing, nobody felt tired anymore after that :D  (And the muffins were really damn good) Thanks Wim!